Michelle B. Xu


Dan-Sco,       Wearable,  Soft Fabrication, Performance   | Embodied InteractionDancers create music in real-time through body movements using soft-sensor costumes.

Fluid Threshold - Bioresponsive Environment
EEG, AR, Daily Performance  When you're anxious, nature grows in through the walls.

OPLAY E-Textile Fabrication, PCB Design,  | Embodied InteractionA series of music-playing interfaces woven with e-textile.

City Scent
Motion Capture, AI, Live performance
The audiences’ real-time emotions decide the scene and the dancer's body visual effects.

Magic Trip -XR Exergame

IWind-Paragliding Experience
A multisensory paragliding experience featuring Arduino and VR integrations.

AR 100 Days
AR 100-Day Practice with Wei Wu: Exploring the fusion of AR, AI, and body-environment interaction.

AI as Performer
Explore how to generate human performances from text

Peking Opera Vest
A vest crafted from conductive 3D-printed material that enables the body to perform Peking Opera.

Being an Oyster in NYC
Multisensory VR

Wearable Arcade

Live Performances